By the grace of God, prepare the way for your heart
to love His glory and truly live--to His praise.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Verse of the Week...

11 "The multitude of your sacrifices—what are they to me?" says the LORD. "I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats.
 12 When you come to appear before me, who has asked this of you, this trampling of my courts?
 13 Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations—I cannot bear your evil assemblies.
 14 Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts my soul hates. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them.

--Isaiah 1:11-14

In most churches today, and in most Christian circles, doing good is the best thing anyone can do; following God’s guidelines, as offered in the Bible, is considered life’s most significant endeavor, and I would agree…to a point.

One widely agreed upon tenet is the act of giving, and particularly giving money to a church. In fact, the sermon I heard last Sunday was about tithing, an admittedly important topic to hit from the pulpit. The preacher, like none other I’ve ever witnessed, called the congregation to the carpet for its measly financial offerings. He asked, in so many words, ‘Are you tipping God, or tithing to Him?’ A good question no doubt.

Check out the verses above. It’s a quote, delivered through the lips of the prophet Isaiah, from the mouth of God. Apparently He was upset with His people. But why? At first glance, they were doing exactly what He commanded them to do: sacrificing their choicest animals, meeting in the Temple courts, honoring the Sabbath, participating in New Moon festivals. At first glance, they were steadfastly obedient. So what was with God’s displeasure? He commanded, they obeyed. What gives?

To put it simply, obedience, true obedience (obedience that pleases God), is a matter of the heart, not the head. Let me explain. God’s people knew exactly what He wanted them to do. The details of what to sacrifice and when, those were clearly recognized…and performed. But their heart wasn't in it. And it’s often the same today, is it not? Go to church on Sunday. Maybe even Wednesday. Read your Bible daily for 20 minutes…30 minutes if you really want to stand out. Give to the poor. Tithe your money. We’ve got it down, just like the ancient Israelites. But I ask you, as I examine myself, is God pleased with your offerings? Does He delight in your good deeds? I know we’d like to think so. After all, at least we’re doing something!

The truth is, God just may be tired of us, weary of our empty(?) rituals and offerings. See, to God, the aroma of our deeds, even the exact things He commands, can become odious depending on how or why we do them. If we ‘obey’ out of obligation, out of guilt, with an unengaged, resistant heart, we stir His disdain. And we don’t actually obey whatsoever. Remember, God detests the whitewashed tomb that can so easily be our life. Jesus’ harshest words were reserved for those who actually did the most ‘godly’ things. ‘These people honor me with their lips…but their HEARTS are far from me.’ See? Heart, not head. Relationship, not religion. There’s such a profound difference.

So, to the mirror I go. Do I do right? Do I perform with purpose? Honestly, and sadly, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I'm compelled to go to church because of what others might think if I skip it. Sometimes I give because I know I should. Sometimes I do ‘good’ with no purity at all. And what does God think? Don’t do it. Stay home. Put your checkbook away. I don’t want your ‘offerings.’  Harsh? Maybe. But to God, the motive matters that much.

God loves a cheerful giver. Cheerful, as in, from the heart. I believe the opposite is true: God loathes a cheerless one. And have you ever thought about why? If we do this thing or that, and we do so out of ritual, with no heart, we dishonor Him. Basically, if we’re strong-armed into action, not compelled by love, we make Him, and a relationship with Him, appear unattractive, like He’s nothing but a distant taskmaster. Not the Lover of our souls who longs for our intimacy.

Think of your relationship with someone you love. Do you do kind things for them because you’re supposed to? Do you write them a sweet little note only because you ought? And if you did, what would that say about your relationship? About him or her? No, the manifestations of love flow freely from the heart, making their object feel prized, treasured like no other.  So it is, or is meant to be, with our good deeds, our offerings to the Creator of the universe.

Let’s tie this up.

‘If you love me, you will obey my commands.’ --John 14:15

Only if we truly love, will we truly obey.

The heart of the matter: it’s a matter of the heart.

Grace to you, to love Him, and only then obey,

Voice of another


  1. Great VOTW- love your insight! Can't wait for the next one!

  2. Great reminder that God wants our heart and nothing less. He comes right out and says He's a jealous God, and won't compete with the other things we give our hearts to. Even with the sacrifices He commanded His people to give, it was not the sacrifice itself but the willingness of the person offering it up--think about Abraham and Isaac! Thanks for continuing to use your gifts to glorify our God, Benny! -Mark
