By the grace of God, prepare the way for your heart
to love His glory and truly live--to His praise.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Verse of the Week...

As a father I’m afforded the joy of taking my daughter on a guided tour of life, revealing to her the beauty of creation, pointing out how things both tangible and abstract work, and why. In fact, it’s one of my favorite things to do. I consider it a privilege. I have the opportunity to showcase life to this ‘blank slate,’ through my eyes, assisting her to see what I see and, ultimately, to love what I love. I easily recall the stage when she was just emerging from babyhood and beginning to more fully perceive the world around her. One of the things I delighted pointing her attention towards was the moon. For one, it’s a physical sight to behold, sleek and mysterious in its midnight luminescence, captivating in its contrast with the black canopy of the night sky. And I relish its spiritual symbolism—it’s nothing more than a giant ball of dirt that, when aligned with the sun, reflects the radiance of its glory. Ask anyone who knows me—I have a thing for gazing upward at a moonlit sky.

One night, when the moon was particularly full and rich with white light, I knelt next to Annie and extended my arm, my index finger, like an arrow perfectly pointed at its target (I even squinted one eye to ensure the angle was precise!). There was no way she could miss it. ‘Annie, look! See where Daddy is pointing? Look at the beautiful moon!’ My rapt attention shifted from the vast heavens to my little girl. But as my eyes landed on her, I was startled at the sight: Annie was looking intently at my pointer finger, completely missing the brilliance of moment. What gripped her innocent mind was the thing nearest her line of sight and, unfortunately, as a result, the majesty of the moon was lost on her altogether.

So it often is with my faith. So often I lock in on the finger, the things of God, and entirely miss the Person they’re pointing towards. Perhaps you can relate?

The problem is we almost can’t help it. We’re ‘human,’ easily distracted, constantly bombarded with material stimuli. Rarely do we open our eyes to see and savor the immaterial. And so we, like little Annie, often only see what’s nearest our line of sight—in this case, the tangible blessings of God. Little do we realize what’s behind it all. See, God, in His perfect will, pours out blessing upon blessing, but for a distinct purpose: that we would perceive Him, the Giver, and give praise. HE wants to be beheld. The forgiveness, the grace, the mercies, the love, the peace, the hope, in a way, even the salvation, serve as a pointer finger. That’s the main intent of their outpouring.

Like I said, I regularly marvel at the things at the expense of their Supplier. And there’s no doubt, I’m the loser in the transaction. God is literally sparing nothing to captivate my heart, to help me behold the majesty of Himself, and I can’t see beyond a foot from my face. Is that you too?

Let’s quickly look at the Story of the Prodigal Son. I’ve referenced it before, but consider it again. The son demands his inheritance, leaves his father, and blows it all in unbridled revelry. He ends up destitute, sitting in slop, contemplating what a fool he’s been, what his father would think. But he literally has no choice, so he emerges from the mud and returns to his father’s wide-open arms. Unfazed by his former irreverence, the father covers him with his finest robe, puts a ring on his son’s finger and orders the choicest calf slaughtered for the celebration of his homecoming. Quite a story, huh? What forgiveness. What grace. What a moving display of unconditional love. For sure. But here’s my point: the point of the story is, what a father! What a father! And what a Father we have in heaven! His grace, his mercy, his love—they are amazing, indeed, but they exist to point to a Person! And the Person to whom they point passionately wants us to relate to Him, to commune with Him, and to only utilize the stuff of Him as a means to get to Him!

There is a Creator behind the creation, a Giver behind the grace, a Great Physician behind the healing, a Prince behind the peace, a Savior behind the salvation.

Oh that we would not be so childish as to miss the majesty of Him for the fondness of the finger.

Grace to you, to behold the Blessed behind the blessings,

Voice of another

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